Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Cleaning our enviromment

“I am very unhappy because people keep littering” said Uncle
Mike. Mrs. Sharma had told our class that “Uncle Mike is very
distressed so we’re gonna help him by becoming Rubbish
Monitors.” So we made ourselves Rubbish Monitor badges.
From now on everyday before school we grab our badges,
our gloves and rubbish bags then we head outside. 

Few days later, Mike had realized that the grounds were getting
cleaner each day. Mike was surprised and happy to see that
Room 6 has been helping. One of the students had decided to
give Mike a little gift with a pack of lollies included with a card.
That student hoped that her gift would bring a smile on his face
and it did.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Bike Celebration Day

Today the whole syndicate had a special event called
“Bike Celebration Day”. After morning tea the whole
syndicate went down where the Bike Crew was holding
all the activities outside of the hall. The reason why we
had this Bike Celebration Day was because Mike Greer
Real Estate had donated 25 bikes.

When I saw the activities I was surprised because all the
activities were so creative and cool. I first went to the
badge station. It's where you can draw your design on
a piece of paper and then you give it to a Bike Crew member
and then done. My badge had my name on it, a bike and
the environment. Secondly, I went to this station where you
can ride a bike which is connected to a music machine and
when you ride it music turns on, it was really cool I never
rode it because I was too shy. Then I went to this Dog which
is called a “Husky” It’s basically an area where you get to
touch or pet the husky. When I petted the husky it was soft
and cool, it was my first time petting a husky and I didn’t
know if it was a female or male. After exploring me and my
classmates went back to class to wait till our class got called
down for the sausages. Once we got called down we got in a
line and each got sausages.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Human Generator

Today my teacher Mrs. Sharma showed my
class and I a generator. It is called a
“Human Generator”. Everyone got a turn to
try it out and my job was to take pictures.
The Generator is connected to a little machine
with 2 bulbs which are the Normal bulb and an
LED bulb. We realized that LED lights are
better than Normal lights because LED lights
take only a little bit of energy but Normal
lights take lots of energy to light up. I also
realized that LED bulbs are brighter than the
normal bulb. By doing this experiment we
now know that we can save energy.
By saving energy we can save a lot money too.

Thursday, August 29, 2019


The rainforest is made up of 4 different layers.

The first layer is the emergent layer, the emergent layer
is the top layer of the rainforest, only a few animals live
there, This layer is hot, wet, windy .

The second layer is the canopy layer, the canopy layer is
beneath the emergent layer. The canopy layer is home
to most of the animals and plants of the rainforest.

The third layer is the understory, the understory layer is
located under the canopy layer. This layer doesn’t get
much sunlight. It is dark and humid, the understory layer
is home to smaller animals and some larger animals use
the understory layer for hunting.

The last layer is the forest floor layer, the forest floor is
dark, humid and hot. Only 5% of sunlight reaches the
forest floor. Jaguars, Scorpions and Anteaters are some
of the animals that live on the forest floor.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Classification of animals on the basis of what they eat

Classification of animals
on the basis of what they eat

What are carnivores?
Carnivores are animals that fill their nutritional needs by
consuming other animals. Not all carnivore forest
animals are hunters or predators. Some carnivore
animals can be scavengers, Tigers, Vultures and
leopards are examples as a carnivore.   

What are Herbivores?
Herbivores are animals that get their energy from eating
plants and only plants. Many Herbivores have special
digestive systems that let them digest all kinds of plants
including grasses,examples of Herbivores are cows,
deer and sheep.

What are Omnivores?

Omnivores are animals that eat plants and other animals
to fulfil their nutritional needs, Examples of Omnivore
animals are birds like crow that eats berries from the
plants but also likes to eat worms, insects and meat
from dead animals.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

How to make chicken vegetable soup by Cooking With Room 6

Cooking With Room 6

How to make chicken vegetable soup


1 can of tomato
1 can of corn
Shredded Chicken
Some butter or olive oil


Salt to taste
Black Pepper
Herbs to taste


A peeler

A knife 
A chopping board A pot


Peel the potatoes and carrots. Chop the cabbage roughly.
Roughly dice the potatoes and carrots.
Slice the onions to peel the garlic quickly use this simple trick. Put the garlic in the microwave for 10 seconds and the peels will come off quickly put peeled garlic into the pot. Put the rest of the chopped vegetables into the pot.
Add salt and pepper to taste.
Add herbs of your choice. Pour some water into the pot and put it on the stove to simmer. Leave it for about half an hour. Use the blender to blend the vegetables once they are soft and cooked. Add shredded chicken on top. Now you can enjoy your yummy soup with a nice piece of toast!

Friday, July 26, 2019

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Preparing a cup of Milo

Preparing a cup of Milo

  • 3 teaspoons of Milo
  • Half a cup of fresh Milk
  • 2 teaspoons of Sugar
  • Some hot water
  • A cup

Get a clean cup.
Put 3 teaspoons of Milo into the cup.
Add 2 teaspoons of Sugar in the cup.
Pour half a cup of hot water.
Stir it well so the Suga and Milo dissolves.
Fill the rest of the cup with Fresh Milk.
Stir it lightly and enjoy.

Milo can be best enjoyed on a cold morning.
Image result for Milo

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Thursday, June 27, 2019


Today I have finished my task that is based on Rhinos. Here is my pixion that I've used.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Friday, June 7, 2019

How Maui Found The Secret Of Fire

One evening, Maui gazed at the fire and wondered what would happen if all the fires were out. He decided to blow out all the fire. The village was furious so they demanded Maui to go to the volcano in south.
Maui had gone to the volcano with his bird friends Pukeko, Tui, Huia, Piwakawaka, kiwi . When they arrived at the volcano the land was dry and bare, Maui saw a woman in a cave crouching over a fire pit.
Maui walked over to see who it was and he realized it was his Aunty Mahuika, The Goddess Of Fire.
“There is no fire in our village so can we please have some of yours?”, said Maui. Aunty Mahuika lifted her head and raised her gnarled nails. On the tip of each finger there was a flame, she plucked a flame from her thumb and gave it to Maui. “Take good care of the flame because this is precious” She said.
Maui held the flame in his hands but it did not burn him, “I have a sacred flame” He said to his bird friends “But I still don’t know how fire is made, I will have to go back.” Maui dropped the flame into the stream, once it hit the water the fire hissed and vanished. As Maui returned back to Mahuika.
“Aunty, The flame blew out” Said Maui “May I please have another?
“Take more care of this one, these flames are precious!” Said Mahuika.
Maui had only took it back to his bird friends and dropped it in the stream. “I will use all her flames and I will find out how she makes them” Maui Said. Again and Again he returned to Mahuika. Maui kept throwing all her flames out once Mahuika got to her last flame she was furious, “No more Maui” she cried
Maui tried to snatch the last flame and Mahuika stamped her foot and flames roared up. Maui fled as fast as he can and Mahuika erupted into flames.
Maui chanted a karakia to transform himself into Kahu, the hawk, as Mahuika flung her last flame high into the branches of a kaikomako tree. Once the flames had cooled down, Maui climbed the kaikomako tree.He snapped off several of the uppermost branches, tucked them in his belt and took them to his village in the north.“I think Mahuika’s last flame is hiding in this kaikomako wood” said Maui to his people.
He took a piece of hard mahoe wood and rubbed it against kaikomako wood. Came out flame, he breathed and rubbed faster and faster.
A wisp of smoke appeared, as Maui rubbed and blew, a flame burst forth. Hey didn’t have to worry about the fire going out again.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Friday, March 22, 2019